Array What Are The Best Benefits Of Unemployment?

What are the Best Benefits of Unemployment?

Michael Hearing

Michael Hearing


The benefits of unemployment have been expanded during this unprecedented time.

Losing a job is never easy, especially now as the COVID-19 pandemic causes problems for the global economy, but there are safeguards in place that can make unemployment a little less scary. 

If you’re now dealing with a situation where you end up without steady work, it’s important for you to understand what unemployment benefits could be available to you.

The Basic Benefits of Unemployment

State unemployment insurance programs were created to distribute money to individuals who have lost their job by no fault of their own. 

This most commonly occurs when a worker is laid off because a company is downsizing and cannot fiscally maintain their full roster of employees. If you apply for unemployment insurance and your application is accepted, you will be notified by your state’s unemployment insurance program of how much weekly financial assistance you will receive and how long that will last. 

The amount of assistance and period of time that you will get these benefits are dependent on the guidelines within your state’s unemployment insurance program, and the individual circumstances of your case.

Additions Due to COVID-19

With COVID-19 creating large-scale problems for companies of all stripes across the country, the United States federal government stepped in to reinforce these benefits of unemployment.

Due to staggering job losses in the midst of a global pandemic, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, was signed into law on March 27, 2020. 

The CARES Act addresses multiple areas of economic loss and recovery, but includes specific provisions to expand qualifying unemployment insurance benefits to those affected by COVID-19 under the following cases:

  • Permanently or temporarily laid off.
  • Cannot work due to quarantine.
  • Loss of income for self-employed/contract workers.
  • Significantly reduced work hours.
  • Cannot work because of health risks and exposure.
  • Cannot work while caring for family member(s).

In any or all of the above cases, you would likely be able to receive unemployment insurance benefits due to the extenuating scenario in which you find yourself.

How Long Will The Benefits of Unemployment Last?

COVID-19 is a highly infectious illness with very different symptoms, prognoses, and results from patient to patient. 

Because of the precarious situation, it’s natural to want to know how long you can expect to receive your unemployment benefits. This is another provision that is determined by the state in which you work and can be as short as 12 weeks or as long as 28 weeks. 

In order to find out exactly how long you could possibly receive these benefits of unemployment, please consult your state’s department responsible for unemployment insurance benefits.

Been Laid off from Work? File for Unemployment Benefits

Being let go from your job puts you in a difficult position that can be overwhelming. That’s where unemployment benefits come in, helping to ease the burden of your lost job. 

If you’ve recently lost a job because your company is downsizing or going out of business, it’s important that you fully understand – and apply for – unemployment benefits in your state.

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